Robert Riggs (Bobby)
Senior Consultant
Bobby serves as a senior consultant with Newkirk Environmental Inc. having responsibilities that involve various aspects of environmental management. His previous work experience provides a unique perspective and an unmatched knowledge of federal regulations. Bobby served in various positions within the Regulatory Program of the Corps of Engineers for 30 years. He has served as the Chief, Regulatory Division, Charleston District, served as the Chief of the Permits Branch, Charleston District and served as a Project Manger in the Regulatory Division handling complex and controversial permit and enforcement actions for the Corps of Engineers. Bobby’s prior assignments include tours in the Survey and Navigation Section, Engineering Division, Charleston District and assignments to the Real Estate Division, Savannah District, West Point, GA Project Office. As the Chief of the Regulatory Division, Bobby served as the regulatory program manager and primary advisor to the District Commander regarding regulatory issues within the district. Bobby’s responsibilities included ensuring that the regulatory program of the Corps of Engineers was directed toward improving and enhancing the physical, biological and chemical integrity of the nation’s aquatic resources.